Dr. Sritay Mistry
PDRA, Brunel University
M.Tech, IIT Kanpur (2018)

I am a PhD student at the University of Edinburgh. I did my bachelors and masters in Aerospace Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. My research focusses on flows, particle rejection and cleaning in nanoscale membranes, usually through molecular dynamics simulations. I have studied flows through boron nitride and carbon nanotubes (BNNTs and CNTs, respectively), particularly the aspects of flow resistance inside, and at the ends of the nanotubes. I have also looked at the effect of partial charges on the flow resistance and particle rejection capabilities of nanotubes. This helps outline applications where using BNNTs as separation membranes would be advantageous over CNTs, especially in terms of particle selectivity.

My undergraduate research involved experimental investigation into active boundary layer control devices on airfoils, focussing on the effects of incorporating fluidic oscillators on the top surface of an airfoil. Research for my Master’s project included study of accomodation coefficients, mixing rules for viscosity in hydrocarbon mixtures, and flows through coaxially rotating CNTs using molecular dynamics

My recent work includes investigation into the physical cleaning of fouled membranes. In particular, I’m looking into how heat and vibrations can be used to remove foulants from a fouled membrane surface.


Untangling the physics of water transport in boron nitride nanotubes
Enhanced nanoparticle rejection in aligned boron nitride nanotube membranes